MeLodY oF L!Fe !!

No MaTTer what Happened, LiFe hAs tO Go On..

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Hello! Welcome to my Blog. My life as a teenage is not easy and sometimes in ruined. I was naive and irrational. But now I've grown and I find that maturity brings you to the highest level of a wise man alive. Sometimes it's not wrong to act like a little kid but you gotta remain your mind to think as an adult. In my life, I've made a pretty much mistakes that I regret. Somehow, no risk, no game. It's normal to make a mistake and learned a lesson. It teaches us something that couldn't be taught at school. Never scared to try and never regret to face the consequences. "when life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it's not reasonable to grieve when it come to an end." Thank you for stopping by. Enjoy!
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